Monday 20 June 2011

Quick tips for a healthier you!

Staying healthy isn’t rocket science.  It’s about being conscious of what you put into your body and what you do on a daily basis to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  These are some of my personal tips....

Exercise - Nothing beats the 'high' from a hard workout.  I love to run stairs, jog, roller blade, weight train, kayak, hike and so much more.  I prefer the outdoors than the gym.  Nothing beats the fresh air.

Eat clean (whenever possible) - diet is the most important and we have 100% control over what we put in our bodies.  My favorite meal is very simple and consists of Quinoa, Hemp Seeds, chopped veggies such as tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers and cubed light cheese with a squeeze of lemon.  Delicious, filling and has all the key nutrients your body needs.  I do enjoy a glass or two of wine every now and again as well. 

Sleep - without a proper nights rest I’m a wreck the next day.  I can’t focus properly and I find I’m relying on coffee to keep me going.  Not good - too important to get adequate sleep.

Positivity - maintaining a positive outlook and surrounding myself with positive people can make a difference on how I look at the world and in keeping my stress levels to a minimum.  A good network of close friends and family who support you can make you feel so much better about yourself and the decisions you make.   Negative sources can bring you down to lows no one cares to reach.  Surround yourself with positive energy.  It's a must.

Taking ‘me’ time - I love me time (who doesn’t though).  I think quiet time is essential to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.  Massage is my favorite way to rejuvenate.

I would love to hear about your personal tips and tricks to de-stress, unwind, staying healthy and positive.  

Until next time, take care!

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